Author: Ground Breaking Books

  • Self-Care: It’s Not Selfish, It’s Necessary

    Often in the hurry and scurry of life, we’re presented with a fundamental question: Is self-care an indulgence or a necessity? Our culture, filled with hustles and hurried schedules, sometimes views taking time for oneself as a luxury, even a sign of laziness. But what if I told you that to truly serve others, to…

  • Exploring the Gift of Curiosity

    There’s an age-old maxim that says, “Curiosity killed the cat.” Yet, if we peer a bit closer, it’s apparent that curiosity is actually a bridge. A bridge that extends from the known to the unknown, from the mundane to the extraordinary. Today, let’s talk about one of humanity’s most treasured assets: our intrinsic sense of…

  • Why You Should Embrace Rejection

    We’ve all been there — facing rejection, whether it’s in our personal lives, in our careers, or any other domain. That sinking feeling in our stomach, that voice in our heads telling us that maybe we’re just not good enough. But, what if I told you that rejection is not the end, but rather, the…

  • Letting Go of What Doesn’t Serve You

    In the grand narrative of our lives, we often collect a cacophony of voices, habits, beliefs, and even relationships that, rather than propelling us forward, seem to drag us back. The allure of the familiar is strong, even when it’s harmful or no longer serves our best interests. Yet, true progress and personal growth require…

  • The Impact of Small Acts

    Often, we find ourselves captivated by the grandeur of heroic deeds, vast accomplishments, and colossal innovations. And while these achievements are undoubtedly impressive, there’s a facet of our daily lives that holds equal, if not more, importance: the power of small acts. The understated gestures that weave the fabric of our shared humanity. Imagine this:…

  • Beyond the Comfort Zone: The Land of Growth

    Today, we embark on a journey just a few steps away. A journey that is, admittedly, intimidating for most of us. This is the voyage beyond our comfort zones, into the uncharted territory where real growth lies. What’s a Comfort Zone Anyway? At its core, a comfort zone is a behavioral space where our activities…


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