Author: Ground Breaking Books

  • The Journey of Self-Discovery

    To carve your place in this vast world, it’s paramount to understand the essential compass – yourself. History is teeming with examples of those who knew themselves, like Socrates, whose “Know Thyself” mantra remains timeless. He saw the unexamined life as not worth living – a powerful reminder that introspection and self-awareness are gateways to…

  • Unchain Yourself from the Past

    It’s time we reconsider the role of the past in our present. The past, like an anchor, weighs us down, but only if we permit it. As Robert Greene elucidates in his works, power lies in self-mastery and understanding our inherent nature. Ryan Holiday, drawing on Stoic philosophy, would ask: What can we control? We…

  • How to Tell When You’re Getting Pretty Good Advice

    It’s a daunting quest we’re all in the midst of — the pursuit of wisdom, the journey to self-improvement. A trusted mentor once told me, “Your life is shaped by the advice you heed.” Sounds like pretty good advice, doesn’t it? But how do you tell the good from the bad, especially when no advice…

    How to Tell When You’re Getting Pretty Good Advice
  • Mastering the Art of Patience

    The most effective individuals throughout history have employed an often overlooked virtue: Patience. It’s not an aspect of inaction but an intentional art of waiting, maneuvering in calculated silence. It’s the quiet strength of Hannibal calculating his route through the Alps, the resilience of Mandela enduring 27 years behind bars, silently weaving the fabric of…

  • Seek to Understand

    Our lives are rich tapestries, interwoven with encounters and exchanges. Sometimes, these encounters allow us to revel in the comforting glow of common ground. At other times, they can thrust us into the raw and unfamiliar territory of differing viewpoints. Recently, I was talking to a family friend who is in his 70s. He is…

  • Discover Your Passion

    Much like the quest of the Greek hero Odysseus, the search for your passion can be an epic voyage filled with trials and revelations. Remember, passion isn’t typically found in comfort but often in the crucible of challenge and personal growth. Consider the story of Charles Darwin. A career in medicine didn’t ignite his spirit,…


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