
Embrace the Magic of Generosity

Ground Breaking Books

Marcus Aurelius once said, “We were born for cooperation, like feet, like hands, like eyelids, like the rows of upper ...

Leadership Starts with You

Ground Breaking Books

Great leaders are not born, they are cultivated. Like a rare and precious stone, leadership begins as a raw material ...

Embrace the Power of Now

Ground Breaking Books

The immediacy of the present moment, though often overlooked, is where real power lies. Julius Caesar, while crossing the Rubicon, ...

The Gift of Forgiveness

Ground Breaking Books

The formidable power of forgiveness can serve as an effective antidote to the poison of resentment and hatred. It has ...

How Reading History Improves Decision Making

Ground Breaking Books

Life is complex and we often need guidance. It’s easy to think we should look around us or ahead for ...

Turning Pages, Turning Times: How Reading Shaped History

Ground Breaking Books

In the ever-shifting panorama of history, reading has been an unseen but mighty agent, persistently scripting the unfolding narrative. From ...

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