
Never Split the Difference Summary

Ground Breaking Books

As humans, we negotiate daily, from deciding where to eat to making multi-million dollar business deals. Former FBI hostage negotiator, ...

12 Questions That Will Change Your Life

Ground Breaking Books

The power of questioning is a vastly underestimated tool in our personal development toolbox. The right questions can unmask hidden ...

10 Things I Wish I Knew at Age 20

Ground Breaking Books

Life doesn’t come with an instruction manual, and we often learn crucial life lessons through trial and error. However, some ...

Understanding Emotional Intelligence and Its Importance in Daily Life

Ground Breaking Books

When you look at those who have achieved success, you’ll often notice a common trait among them: emotional intelligence. It’s ...

Why Intense Focus is the Path to Mastery

Ground Breaking Books

“The time that leads to mastery is dependent on the intensity of our focus.” – Robert Green, Mastery We live ...

48 Laws of Power Summary

Ground Breaking Books

“48 Laws of Power” is an internationally bestselling book penned by Robert Greene. This engaging and insightful work presents 48 ...

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